Communication Log

You have a lot on your mind. You don’t need to remember who you spoke to, when, why and what you spoke about. Our free parent communication log will help you keep track of everything you need to remember.

Communication Log

Free printable communication log template in three formats: Word, PDF (editable), and Excel. You can edit the communication log example if you select Word or Excel. If you select PDF, you cannot edit the form’s structure, but you can type in communication details.

The parent communication log will help you keep track of the parents you have been in contact with. When you contact the parents again, you can refresh your memory about the previous call to remember what you spoke about. It will make you sound more professional and personal. It will also prevent them from asking you questions you cannot answer.

Also, there might come a time when you have to answer to someone someday. They might claim you never updated the parents about something. Keeping a record of your communication will help you if this ever happens in the future.

Parent Contact Log

A parent communication log for teachers is a very important tool. You can also find a parent-teacher communication log in our free digital or printable planner for teachers.

Parent Communication Log

Fields: Name, phone, email, and address of each parent or guardian. Date and time of the call, who you spoke to, method of communication (call, text, WhatsApp, note, email, or meeting), concern (academic, behavior, or other), notes, follow-up (no, yes, and if you need to follow up, then when you should do it).

Daily Communication Log

daily home-school communication log

This is a daily home-school communication log form.

Contact Log Template

Use this form to record conversations or meetings between managers and employees or between employees and clients, customers, or potential donors.

Employee Communication Log

Fields: Date of call, time, manager or caller’s name, details of communication and follow-up details.

Parent Communication Log

Fields: date of call, time, contact name, phone number, details of the call, follow-up details.

Conversation Log Template

On this communication template you can record conversations, how long they lasted, and a summary of the call.

Contact Log Template

Fields: date of call, time, duration, caller’s name, and notes.

Parent-Teacher Communication

How to Make a Parent-Teacher Communication Folder


Make your own DIY communication folder so that you can easily find and access the information that you record. All you need is a printer, paper, and an old binder.

  1. Print multiple copies of the teacher-parent communication form.
  2. Insert the printables into a binder.
  3. Make a binder cover.
  4. Make binder dividers.

Virtual Folder

Another way to store the parent contact log for teachers is in a virtual folder on your PC. There are many advantages to storing the contact logs on your PC. The pages will never get lost. You can easily search for a conversation or for a student. The files will also automatically be arranged alphabetically (if you sort by name) which makes it really easy to quickly find and access a call log.

  1. Select a parent call log template.
  2. If you want to edit it, then do it now before you continue to the next step.
  3. Save your blank communication template in a separate folder to keep for future use.
  4. Create a communication folder on your PC.
  5. Move one copy of the contact log to the folder. Save it as one of the student’s names.
  6. Repeat this step and “save as” a different name for each student in your class. You should now have one copy for each student.
  7. Each time you need to update your contact log you will do it in the folder and it will stay here.
  8. If you want access to this folder from everywhere, then save the folder on Google Drive.

What information should you record on the communication log?

Add the parent’s names.

Add all methods of contact such as telephone number, email, and work number.

Write how and when you contacted them. Include the date and time so that you can go back and find the text or email if you ever need to. It’s like with insurance. You take it and pay for it and hope you never need it. Here too, you write down the details and hope you never need to prove you contacted the parents.

Write whether your concern was regarding behavior or academic concern. If the concern was related to neither then use the blank line to add what it was related to.

Write who you spoke to. This is very important if one parent doesn’t update the other or if you couldn’t get hold of a parent and contacted a grandparent or someone else.

Add notes. Write a summary of your call and anything you will want to remember.

In the follow-up section, write if you want or need to follow up on the call and when. If you are using our teacher planner, then it includes a monthly calendar as well. As the follow-up date to the monthly calendar so that you don’t forget to follow up.